The Need to Monitor Fitness Levels to Improve.

336X280 2 - The Need to Monitor Fitness Levels to Improve.Being fit and healthy is a great way to spend free time – not just because it’s what the media is pushing on us, but it strengths you from the inside out and gives you a much better shot at a longer life compared to those who aren’t active and don’t do much moving around or pushing their bodies.

There’s also a reason fitness trackers have become such a big hit with things like Jawbone, FitBit and MyZone storming the markets at the moment. It’s not just because people want to see how much they’ve been running, or pushing themselves. For the ones who wear them, it’s because they need to monitor and keep track.


The Benefits

Monitoring your fitness has a range of benefits:

  • Motivational

Seeing what you’ve managed to do can push you to do more, or do better, and have you continuously working to surpass yourself. This isn’t a bad thing, as long as you listen to your body’s limits and know when it’s had enough and that you’re not pushing it too hard, which can end up with you doing more damage than by just exercising and can even put a stop to your activities if you need to have time to heal.

  • Improvement

A sure fire way to see that you’re strengthening up and that you’re getting fitter is when you can see that you’ve pushed yourself further than you’ve managed before. If you keep working out at the same intensity, you’re only ever going to get so fit, you’re never going to get past that stage. Being able to see that you’ve run further, faster, or lifted stronger and hiked your BPM means that  you can track these changes.

  • CompetitiveNixon Mission smartwatch1 300x168 - The Need to Monitor Fitness Levels to Improve.

Some people do very well if they’re faced with a challenge. Monitoring yourself, with friends, means that you can all work together to try and get past one another. This stops it from just being about getting fit but also makes it more about winning and gives you a whole new reason to push yourself.
Humans tend to be very results driven – we like to see that it’s making a difference, and see the tangible evidence before we’re happy. Even if we don’t see a change in our body, we can see it on the tracker that we’re doing something, we’re making a difference and we can see where we’re improving

The reason the market has done so well in a short number of years is because there was a space for it to create its own niche, because it’s something that people – while they can live without it – didn’t know they needed it until it was available to them and there. They’re only going to improve, too, and get better as the years go on with more and more features becoming available to the individual to make sure that they’re getting the most out of each and every one of their workouts and can see exactly where they’ve improved.

320X100 1 - The Need to Monitor Fitness Levels to Improve.

The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest

Unless you have been living on another planet, at least one person close to you has died from cancer, and you know of many others who are still fighting the battle, and desperately need help!

In fact you have a 50/50 chance of going there yourself, and being an active, fit athlete is no guarantee of immunity!

As a two time Ironman finisher and very particular about my diet, health and performance, I really thought I was doing everything right, yet cancer still struck!

All 9 episodes of The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest are available to watch free online this weekend!

This is the absolute best docu-series ever created about preventing, treating, and beating cancer with nutrition and natural therapies. It has become a global phenomenon with over 3 million views!

The 48 hour replay runs all day today and tomorrow (Oct 24th and 25th). Now’s your chance to watch the episodes you missed, even if you missed them all.

Click here to watch the entire series right now –

(Link expires Sunday night (10/25) at midnight EST)

To your life and health!

How To Prevent And Treat Cancer – In A Nutshell

Since today 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetimes, cancer prevention is of primary importance, and the proper treatment of cancer then lies in knowing and removing the causes, and not in drugs and radiation!

I do not support these cancer fund raising schemes because what little of the money that does eventually get spent on the cancer condition, none of it is spent on cancer prevention, but instead goes to the pharmaceutical industry to develop more ineffective and exorbitantly expensive drugs to sell to the sufferers! So why would they want to prevent it anyway?

I would love to have the public donate money to my business for similar purposes!

Cancer is not a disease, but a lifestyle condition that has seen the incidence rate increase over the last 80 years from around 1 in a 100 to the 1 in 2 it is today. We all have some cancer cells in our bodies at one time or another, but the body’s normal healthy immune system is designed to cope with this.

The immune system gets overwhelmed when firstly the number of these cells become too large through exposure to carcinogenic substances found in chemical compounds such as pesticides, preservatives, colourants, flavourants, air/water pollution etc., and/or secondly, the immune system itself is weakened through sugar consumption and poor nutrition (grains, processed foods).

Sugar is the real enemy agent! Firstly it seduces one with an addiction to it’s sweet flavour and the belief that life would be intolerable without it, secondly, cancer cells use sugar to prevent their apoptosis (cell death) and could not survive without it, and thirdly it destroys the pancreas and the immune system – in other words sugar feeds the enemy and sabotages the defences!

The formation of a cancerous tumor is the overwhelmed immune system’s final desperate attempt to contain the rapidly spreading cancer cells…

Of further interest to those following an LCHF nutrition plan (Banting), when one is fat adapted for one’s energy using ketones instead of carbs and sugar, cancer cells cannot use these ketones to prevent their apoptosis, and will die off.


  • The basic message is “Get Back To Nature”!
  • Avoid all sugar, honey and sweeteners.
  • Avoid all grains.
  • Avoid all processed foods – use fresh organic fruit and veg., and free range meat and poultry.
  • Avoid low fat and fat free dairy. Use full cream products from hormone free, grass fed cows.
  • Use natural household and personal care/hygiene products.


As a dedicated triathlon/Ironman athlete, I too considered that I had got this healthy lifestyle thing well sorted until I was diagnosed with rectal cancer.

It was a real wake up call to discover what I had been doing wrong, and some of the things I uncovered are briefly outlined in this post, the chief of which were the processed foods, sports supplements, gels, bars and energy drinks – all loaded with sugar.

In those early stressful days I too was persuaded to undergo chemoradiation in an attempt to shrink the tumor before surgery. Not only did this not succeed at all, but it left me in a worse position for surgery, and with permanent damage to my prostate and organs as well as prolonging the whole post surgery recovery and healing process.

Understandably I refused the recommended post operative chemo, and instead changed my lifestyle as described here, as well as taking Graviola; a natural product produced from a South American bush that has been used extensively by indigenous tribes and is 10,000 times more effective than chemo without any side effects.

You can read about this amazing plant and it’s attempted cover up here:-

Glad I started taking Graviola early on, as given the size and advanced stage of my tumor, the surgeons and oncologists were really surprised that there were no signs of any metastasis with the cancer spreading to other organs in my body.

I am now cancer free for two and a half years, and know I have it beat, but it has not been an easy journey, and I do not wish it on anyone. Believe me, prevention is better than cure, and I cannot advise you strongly enough to take this message very seriously.