Nutrition – The role of protein in sports performance

protein meal - Nutrition - The role of protein in sports performanceThis is an absolute MUST read! The best article I have ever read on the subject. It is based on proven scientific research (references included) without any commercial hype, and dispels all the common myths. – Mike

How much protein do athletes need and how safe are high-protein diets?

Protein is not just an essential nutrient, but the largest component in the body after water, typically representing about 15% of body weight. Most of this protein mass is found in skeletal muscle, which explains the importance of protein to athletes. However, proteins also play an important role in the following:
  • Transport and storage of other nutrients;
  • Catalysing biochemical reactions;
  • Control of growth and differentiation;
  • Immune protection;
  • Providing our bodies with structural integrity.

Although the basic biochemistry and functional roles of protein in the body have long been understood, there’s still a huge amount of mythology and confusion surrounding protein nutrition, especially where athletes are concerned. This is partly because of general misconceptions about basic protein metabolism and partly because new research continues to throw up surprises about exactly what constitutes optimum protein nutrition!

Figure 1, below, provides a brief overview of protein metabolism. The protein we eat is made up of around 20 amino acid ‘building blocks’. The process of digestion breaks down dietary protein into its constituent amino acid building blocks, which can then be absorbed into the body and reassembled to make various kinds of human protein, such as muscle, connective tissue, immune proteins, and so on.

Figure 1: overview of protein metabolism

protein metabolism - Nutrition - The role of protein in sports performance

However, it is important to understand that protein metabolism is in a constant state of flux; although muscle and other tissues contain a large amount of stored protein, this protein is not ‘locked away’. When dietary amino acids are insufficient, tissue protein can rapidly be broken down back to amino acid building blocks, which are then used to replenish the ‘amino acid pool’, a reservoir of amino acids that can be drawn upon to support such vital functions as energy production or immune function. This explains why muscle mass is often lost during times of stress, disease and heavy training loads, or poor nutrition.

Conversely, when dietary amino acids are in plentiful supply and other demands for protein are low, tissue protein synthesis can become the dominant process. The overall control of protein turnover – ie whether the body is in a state of anabolism (building up) or catabolism (breaking down), also known as positive or negative nitrogen balance – is governed by hormonal factors, caloric intake and availability of amino acids, particularly of the nine ‘essential’ amino acids that cannot be synthesised in the body and therefore have to be obtained from the diet.

Maintaining optimum protein status

An athlete has to move his or her body to perform, and this requires the muscles to generate force to accelerate body mass. As a rule of thumb, the greater an athlete’s power-to-weight ratio, the faster he or she can move, and (to a lesser extent) the longer he or she will be able to maintain any given speed of movement. Since all force and movement is generated by muscles, most power athletes benefit from maximising muscle mass and strength, while minimising the amount of superfluous body mass – ie fat.

And while out-and-out muscle strength is less important for endurance athletes, maintaining sufficient muscle mass is critically important, not least because high training volumes are known to increase the rate of protein oxidation from the amino acid pool, potentially leading to delayed recovery, a loss of muscle mass and consequent loss of power, and increased injury risk.

Given that athletic training is known to increase the demands on the amino acid pool, many athletes, particularly bodybuilders and strength athletes, adopt high-protein diets to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, or at least prevent catabolism and loss of muscle tissue. However, even today there remains much debate about how much protein athletes really need to optimise and maintain performance.

Protein v carbohydrate

There are other questions too. For example, should any extra protein be ingested at the expense of carbohydrate, the body’s preferred fuel for high-intensity training? And what about the possible health implications of high-protein diets, about which health professionals often express concerns?

Until recently the protein requirements of athletes were thought to be similar to those of sedentary people, and athletes were advised that they need only consume the recommended daily amount (RDA) of protein (currently set at 0.8- 1.0g of protein per kg of body weight per day) to maintain proper nitrogen balance. For a 70kg athlete, this would equate to 56-70g per day.

However, research over the past decade has indicated that athletes engaged in intense training actually need to ingest about 1.5-2 times the RDA in order to maintain a positive protein balance(1-5). This equates to 105-140g of protein per day for a 70kg athlete, which is equivalent to three to four medium-sized chicken breasts or 13-20oz of canned tuna per day! There is also evidence that training at altitude imposes an even higher demand for protein – perhaps as much as 2.2g per kg per day(6).

Unfortunately, these more recent findings on protein needs have not yet become widely accepted by some of the powers that be. For example, the UK’s Food Standards Agency website (in its section on sports nutrition) simply states that protein is important in the diet, especially ‘if you’re trying to build muscle’. It goes on to advise: ‘Try not to eat more protein than you need because your body won’t use it to build muscle. Instead it converts excess protein to fat, which is then stored, so try to make sure your protein intake is just right for your needs.’ However, it never actually states what those needs are.

Meanwhile, the EU’s Scientific Committee on Food recently acknowledged that the increased training loads and energy expenditure of athletes can increase protein requirements, and now recommends that their protein intake should comprise around 10-11% of total energy intake(7). For our mythical 70kg athlete, burning 3,000, 4,000 or even 5,000kcal per day (quite easily achieved with two-plus hours of vigorous training at or above 75% VO2max per day), this equates to just over 75, 100 or 125g of protein per day respectively.

Although foods like breads, cereals and legumes contain significant amounts of protein, which can add to that contributed by high-protein foods, such as meat, fish, milk and eggs, larger athletes, or those engaged in high volumes of training, may struggle to include the increased amounts of protein now recommended in a ‘normal’ diet; indeed, a number of nutritional surveys have indicated that protein insufficiency may be a problem for certain groups of athletes, including runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, gymnasts, skaters and wrestlers(8).

Forty years ago, it was protein that dominated the thoughts of power athletes and bodybuilders. Employing the simple logic that muscles are made of protein, and that to build muscle you need lots of protein, steak-and-egg diets were the order of the day! But as the importance of carbohydrates in supplying energy and driving the insulin system (the most anabolic hormone in the body) became clearer, the emphasis gradually shifted.

This shift in emphasis was encouraged by an appreciation of the health benefits of dietary fibre present in unrefined carbohydrates, and also by research suggesting that very high protein intakes simply resulted in increased protein oxidation, imposing an additional load on the liver and kidneys. A scientific consensus began to form around the notion that diets containing substantially more than 1.0g of protein per kg per day were not only wasteful but potentially harmful, increasing the risk of kidney and liver problems, cardiac disease and even loss of bone density.

However, the recent meteoric rise in popularity of high-protein diets, such as Zone and Atkins, for slimmers has ignited a fierce debate about the safety and efficacy of high-protein diets, which is also relevant for athletes who routinely consume high-protein diets. In 2001, the American Heart Association’s nutrition committee published a statement on dietary protein intakes, claiming that: ‘Individuals who follow these [high-protein] diets are at risk for potential cardiac, renal, bone and liver abnormalities overall’(9).

If you examine the scientific literature, it is hard to see how this consensus, linking high protein intakes to increased health risks, has become so widespread. In a recent meta-review of the literature, Finnish scientists searched for any evidence supporting the hypothesis that high protein diets, containing two to three times the current RDA for protein, increase the risk of a number of health conditions – and drew a big fat blank(10). They concluded that:

  • There is no evidence to suggest that (in the absence of overt disease) renal function is impaired by high protein diets;
  • Far from reducing bone mineral density, high-protein diets may actually increase it;
  • Such diets are associated with lower not higher blood pressures.

These conclusions have also been confirmed by other researchers; healthy athletes should not, therefore, be dissuaded from increasing their protein intake to up to three times the RDA level if they so wish.

High-protein diets and hydration

There’s a fairly linear relationship between protein intake and urea production, which means that high protein diets increase the amount of urea the kidneys have to excrete. With this elevated production of urea comes an increase in the obligatory water requirement of the kidneys to do their job, and that in turn has raised the question of whether athletes (whose fluids needs are already increased) on high-protein diets are at increased risk of dehydration.

To answer this question, scientists at the University of Connecticut compared the hydration levels of athletes consuming low (0.8g per kg per day), medium (1.8g) and high (3.6g) protein diets, each containing the same number of calories(11). Analysis of the results showed that, while there were significant increases in urine and plasma urea on the high-protein diet, the effects of increasing dietary protein on fluid status was minimal.

Moreover, to date there have been no studies conclusively demonstrating that increased protein intake leads to a loss in total body water. However, the researchers pointed out that the subjects in their study probably consumed enough water to meet any increased requirement, which explains – at least in part – why their hydration status was not compromised. They also concluded that more research is needed. In the meantime, however, it seems prudent to recommend that all athletes on high-protein diets should drink plenty of extra fluid, especially in warm conditions.

For many athletes, power-to-weight ratio is more important than outright power for optimum performance, and this explains why reducing excess body fat is often beneficial. New evidence is now emerging that high-protein diets might actually help in this process. Although research indicates that, providing the same number of calories are eaten, the relative proportions of protein and carbohydrate in the diet do not affect the amount or composition of weight loss in a reduced calorie regime(12-14), these ratios do affect appetite, with subjects tending to be more hungry on higher carbohydrate intakes and less hungry on higher protein intakes.

More generally, scientists now believe that diet composition strongly affects ad lib energy intake, with both laboratory and free-living studies highlighting protein as a more satiating macronutrient than carbohydrate or fat(15). This theory is supported by studies indicating that subjects consuming high-protein (more than 20% protein by energy) diets consume less overall than those on low-protein diets(16,17). The exact mechanisms are as yet unclear, but probably involve hormonal and chemical changes in regions of the brain known to be associated in hunger and appetite control.

Protein and weight loss

In one of the studies mentioned above(17), 13 obese men were split into two groups and fed lowcalorie diets. One group received a high-protein diet (45% protein, 25% carbohydrate and 30% fat) and the other a high-carbohydrate diet (12% protein, 58% carbs and 30% fat). Not only was weight loss greater in the high-protein group but basal metabolism decreased less than in the highcarb group, suggesting that the high-protein diet was able to offset the loss in lean body mass (basal metabolism being a function of lean body mass) that normally occurs while dieting.

No studies of this type have been carried out on athletes, but it seems likely that high-protein diets have something to offer athletes seeking a reduction in body fat while conserving muscle tissue. While high-protein/low-carbohydrate diets of the type described above would not contain sufficient carbohydrate to permit normal training, our mythical 70kg athlete, consuming a 25% protein diet on a mildly calorie-restricted diet of 2,500kcals per day, would be consuming around 600kcal of protein, or 150g, a day. This is well within the ‘safety zone’ of two to three times the RDA (0.8-1.0g per kg per day) yet with a sufficiently high protein content to exert an increased satiation effect.

Moreover, the athlete would still be able to consume up to 50% carbohydrates (1,250kcal per day, sufficient for moderate training volumes), while consuming enough calories (25%) from fat to meet essential fat requirements. However, athletes need to remember, given the importance of carbohydrate for energy requirements, that even this regime would contain insufficient carbohydrate for higher-volume training and competition phases!

In summary, there is good evidence that athletes need a plentiful supply of protein in their diets and that, contrary to previous recommendations, they do need substantially more protein than their sedentary counterparts – at least 50% and possibly up to 120% more. For a 70kg athlete, this can mean up to 150g of pure protein per day.

However, the role of carbohydrates in supplying energy for fuel and recovery remain as important as ever, which means the diet must contain high-quality, low-fat sources of protein in order to enable adequate carbohydrate intake without an overall excess of calories. Simply assuming that because you eat more food than the average person you’ll be consuming adequate protein is not good enough!

There is no evidence that routinely exceeding the recommended protein intake has any additional benefits on nitrogen balance, unless this extra protein is consumed as a protein/ carbohydrate drink before, during or after training – something we’ll tackle in the next article (see below). However, there is evidence that even higher protein intakes may help suppress appetite, control hunger and reduce lean tissue loss during restricted calorie routines, which may be useful for athletes needing to reduce or maintain body weight, although such diets are not really compatible with high-volume training routines.

Finally, despite what you may have read elsewhere, healthy athletes can rest assured that high protein diets containing up to three times the current RDA for protein are perfectly safe, although it is important to remain well hydrated on such diets.

Andrew Hamilton


  1. J Appl Physiol 1992;73(2):767-75
  2. J Appl Physiol 1988;64(1):187-93
  3. J Appl Physiol 1992;73(5):1986-95
  4. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 1999;2(6):533-7
  5. Sportscience 1999. Available: 9901/rbk.html;3(1)
  6. Butterfield G (1991). Amino acids and high protein diets. In Lamb D, Williams M (editors), Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine, vol 4; Ergogenics, enhancement of performance in exercise and sport (pages 87-122). Indianapolis, Indiana: Brown & Benchmark
  7. EU Scientific Committee on Food, 2004, Working Document – 20 April. Available: imedia/pdfs/foodsport workdoc.pdf
  8. Sports Nutrition Review Journal 2004; 1(1):1-44
  9. Circulation 2001; 104:1869-74
  10. Sports Nutrition Review Journal 2004; 1(1):45-51
  11. Presentation by WF Martin at Experimental Biology meeting, April 2002 New Orleans, USA
  12. Am J Clin Nutr 1996; 63, 174-178
  13. Diabet. Care 2002; 25, 652-657
  14. N Engl. J. Med 2003; 348, 2074- 2081
  15. Eur J Clin Nutr 1996; 50, 418-430
  16. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1999; 23, 528-536
  17. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1999; 23(11), 1202-6
This article was taken from the Peak Performance newsletter, the number one source of sports science, training and research. Click here to access these articles as soon as they are released to maximise your performance

spacer1x1 - Nutrition - The role of protein in sports performance

Running Techniques – Getting back to basics

running - Running Techniques - Getting back to basicsStill being a novice runner, I find these basic running technique drills very useful. But then again a daresay that much like swimming drills, there will always be a need to practice these regularly no matter what one’s level – Mike

Running Techniques: Technique drills for runners are usually performed using three activities – marching (walking), skipping and running. Each activity helps to develop important components of proper and economical running techniques.

There are several reasons for using the activities:

(1) The exercises serve as an excellent warm-up tool for both training and competitive situations. After all, running drills imitate specific characteristics of technically sound running form, including upright posture of the trunk and spinal column, proper carriage of the arms during the running stride, proper knee drive and leg action and the coordinated dynamic balance associated with shifting weight from one leg to the other.(2) The drills help to develop the important proprioceptive and kinaesthetic (body-awareness) abilities that a runner must have to deal with changes in terrain while running, and also to ‘change gears’ while training or racing. The drills are performed slowly at first while developing a ‘feel’ for proper technique, and proper technique is then gradually carried over to drills and runs carried out at faster speeds

(3) The exercises also help to strengthen specific muscle groups needed for powerful running, especially the muscles of the feet, calves, shins, thighs and hips. The ankle, knee and hip joints undergo considerable flexion and extension during the running stride, and each of these joints is exercised through a similar – or greater – range of motion during the various drills

Specific benefits

Marching, the most basic form of technical exercise, provides an excellent starting point for beginners who will eventually rely more heavily on advanced drills such as skipping and technically sound running. Marching is performed slowly and deliberately at first but progresses in speed and cadence as balance, stability and body mechanics improve. Emphasis during marching (and in all of the drills) is on an upright body posture, coordinated movement of the arms and legs, wide range of motion at the hips, knees and ankles and stability of movement (your body shouldn’t be ‘rocking’ back and forth sideways or lunging forward). As you become more accomplished with the drills, marching will represent a nice warm-up for the skipping exercises

Skipping is a more advanced motor skill than marching and requires a greater degree of coordination and motor control for correct performance. Compared to marching, the speed of movement across the ground is slightly faster when skipping, and the frequency of foot strike is double that of marching, since each foot strikes the ground twice during a skipping stride (left-left followed by right-right and so on). The ability to coordinate the cadence of the arm swing with the leg movements and the double foot strike is a skill that improves with practice. The basic form of skipping is slow and deliberate and should follow a straight line without significant deviation of the limbs or trunk to the right or left. During the drills, the arms and legs will tend to move toward the centreline of the body slightly (as they should), but excessive movement of the knees or hands across the midline of the body is often indicative of poor economy of movement. Over time, the speed of the skipping drills should be increased as your form improves and your movements become more fluid and natural

Of all the drills, technical running exercises are the most intensive and potentially most difficult to perform correctly. For one thing, the speed of movement of the arms and legs is the highest of the three forms of drills. The rhythm of movement, as measured by the cadence of foot strikes, closely resembles full-stride running. Finally, the ground-impact forces are significantly higher during running drills, compared to skipping or marching. The major difference between running drills and regular running is in the length of the stride (during drills, the stride is significantly shorter, to allow for better concentration on limb and trunk mechanics). Major benefits of technical running drills include improved intermuscular coordination (including the proper timing of arm and leg movements), an enhancement of dynamic balance and an upgrading of the power of the primary running muscles



Begin by walking slowly forward on the balls of your feet using small (12- to 18-inch) steps. Your heels should not touch the ground during this exercise. Continue by raising your right knee to hip level (with thigh parallel to the ground) on each stride. Your right foot should be ‘cocked’ (making your ankle and foot look like a fish hook) at the top of the leg swing, and your right ankle should be directly under or slightly behind your right knee (your knee should be at a 90 degree angle or slightly less). Rise on the toes of the left foot and extend the left ankle and knee as your body passes over the left foot during the walking stride. Your trunk should be held upright (think ‘chest tall and slightly forward’), and your chin should be held level. Swing your arms slowly and deliberately in a mock running motion in rhythm with the marching/walking strides. Your elbows should be bent at approximately 90-110 degrees, and your hands should swing to nearly chin level and slightly toward the midline of your body during the forward arm swing. On the back swing, your hands should move one to six inches past the ‘hip-pocket’ position, to the rear of your body. You probably didn’t realise that marching could be so complicated!

Repeat this action, raising the right knee to hip level with the left leg moving through a normal walking stride into full extension on the toes, for 20 to 40 metres. Walk back to your starting position and repeat the action, with the left knee rising and the right leg extending, for 20 to 40 metres. Continue to focus on short steps, proper posture and limb mechanics, whole-body balance and control of your marching rhythm. All of your movements should occur in a slow and controlled – not jerky – manner. After performing the drill with each leg marching separately, combine the marching actions of both legs over the 20- to 40-metre distance. The marching high knee drill emphasises proper running mechanics – a driving knee lift, upright posture and a coordinated arm swing – and should be
practiced and mastered before progressing on to the skipping and running techniques drills


Begin this high knee with extension drill in the same manner as the high knee drill – walking forward slowly on the balls of your feet. Raise the right knee to hip level with each stride, and as the knee approaches hip height extend the knee by swinging the lower leg and foot forward to nearly full extension (your entire leg will end up parallel with the ground). Allow your momentum to carry your body forward, and step with the ball of the right foot one to two feet in front of the left foot. Your trunk should be held upright, and your chin should be level throughout the course of the drill. Your arms should compensate for the extended leg action by swinging in a slightly wider arc (100-plus degrees at the elbow) while maintaining rhythm with the strides of the legs. The actions of the left foot, ankle, knee and hip (extended) are similar to their activities in the high knee drill

Repeat the high knee lift and extension action with your right leg for a distance of 20 to 40 metres. Then rest while walking back to the starting point, before performing the drill with your left leg. Finally, perform the exercise with both legs alternately over the same 20- to 40-metre distance

The marching high knee with extension drill emphasises hamstring flexibility and body control, in addition to other basic aspects of proper running mechanics. It provides the basis for learning more advanced skipping and running drills


The skipping high knee drill follows the same basic format for posture and limb mechanics as does the marching form of this drill. The trunk position and arm and leg actions are identical to those of the march, but the cadence is slightly faster to accommodate the skipping action. Once again, the strides are short (about 12 to 18 inches between opposing foot contacts), and the action is performed primarily on the balls of your feet, which helps you develop foot strength and balance

Practice the skipping drill with one leg at a time before combining the movements (first lift only the right knee, then only the left knee, before alternating right and left lifts) over a distance of 20 to 40 metres for each drill

The skipping high knee drill develops inter-muscular coordination during fast movements to a greater degree than do the marching drills, which are carried out at a slower tempo. In addition, the load placed on the musculoskeletal system is considerably higher during skipping, due to a greater vertical shift of the centre of gravity during the exercise. This additional loading leads to increases in strength in the motor support structures of the feet and lower part of the leg, as well as the thigh, hip and trunk muscles


This ‘B’ drill is like the ‘A’ skipping drill, except that a swing forward of the lower part of the leg is added to the driving knee action. The emphasis during this drill should be on the ‘pulling down’ (hip extension) of the swing leg rather than the kicking out of the lower part of the leg during knee extension. This ‘pawing’ motion with the nearly extended leg is important for developing coordination and specific strength in the hamstring and gluteal muscles and should help prevent injuries in those areas (especially hamstring strains and tears). All other aspects of proper running form (as outlined in the descriptions of the previous drills) should be observed.

First, move 20 to 40 metres with the right knee driving and extending, then scoot through 20 to 40 metres with the left knee driving and extending, and finish by alternating from right leg to left leg over the same distance. Walk back to your starting point between drills to recover

This skipping ‘B’ drill emphasises the development of an active foot strike, providing the basis for improved stride length, in addition to strengthening the hamstrings, improving coordination and balance and upgrading running posture


The running ‘A’ and ‘B’ drills are performed in the same fashion as the marching and skipping versions but utilise a short-stride (12- to 18-inch) running motion. These are the most advanced and difficult drills to perform correctly, and they are also the most specific of the three drills to the actual neuromuscular patterns used during full-stride running. Movement rhythm, frequency of foot strike, balance and coordination requirements, ground impact forces and energy expenditure are at their highest levels during these running drills. It is very important to maintain a forefoot (rather than heel) strike during these running drills in order to allow the foot and lower part of the leg to absorb the high impact forces. Upper torso and arm-swing actions should be similar to those in the previous drills

Perform all running drills with one knee rising and the opposite leg ‘jogging’ (low knee lift) for a distance of 10 to 20 metres. Walk back to the start and repeat the action with the other leg, before combining the actions and performing the drill with alternating legs. The distance covered (10 to 20 metres) for the running drills is shorter than for marching or skipping due to the greater intensity of effort. Over time, you may gradually increase the distance, but in the interest of maintaining proper technique and therefore positive training adaptations, it is wise to be conservative. It is far better to train over shorter distances with excellent form than it is to work over longer distances with average or poor form

The running ‘A’ and ‘B’ drills develop specific intermuscular coordination, increase the strength of the entire foot/leg/hip/trunk complex, and enhance balance and body awareness during full-stride running. Running drills allow you to strengthen many important links in the running performance chain (posture, specific strength and power, mobility and agility) through specific overload of the various links

The following sample running techniques workouts are designed for runners of various ability levels:


Do the following running techniques workout two to three times per week at the end of your warm-up (before the main part of your training session begins):

March ‘A’: 1 X 20m each

March ‘B’: 1 X 20m each

Skip ‘A’: 2 X 20m each

Skip ‘B’: 2 X 20m each

Please note: ‘1 X 20m each’ denotes performing the drill for 20 metres with the right leg only, followed by 20 metres with the left leg only, followed by 20 metres of alternating legs. For recovery, simply walk back to the start between repetitions


Carry out the following running techniques workout twice a week at the end of your warm-up:

March ‘A’: 1 X 20m each

March ‘B’: 1 X 20m each

Skip ‘A’: 2 X 30m each

Skip ‘B’: 2 X 30m each

Run ‘A’: 2 X 10m each


March ‘B’: 1 X 20m each

Skip ‘A’: 2 X 30m each

Skip ‘B’: 2 X 30m each

Run ‘A’: 2 X 20m each

Run ‘B’: 2 X 10m each

Key summary points about the drills

1 Emphasise proper trunk posture on all drills, keeping your chest up, your back straight, and your chin level

2 Swing your arms smoothly and under control, with hands coming forward to chin level in front and just past the hip in back

3 Emphasise the lifting action of the knee on the swing leg while keeping your foot cocked upward. Emphasise the driving action (extension) of the support leg at the ankle, knee and hip while stressing a ‘tall on your toes’ action with the supporting foot

4 To develop optimal movement coordination, perform all drills when your energy levels are high – before your main workout begins. Performing drills when fatigued leads to less ideal posture and form – and fewer gains in efficiency

5 To reduce impact forces and minimise the possibility of injury, perform all drills on grass, a rubberised track, a wood floor, or some other type of resilient surface

Walt Reynolds

running techniques

This article was taken from the Peak Performance newsletter, the number one source of sports science, training and research. Click here to access these articles as soon as they are released to maximise your performance

Additional Running Drills Video. These are different to those described in the article above.

ECTA Development Triathlon 25 Octocer 2009 – Olympic Distance

My first Olympic Triathlon since WTC. Tried to take it easy. Wanted to relax and enjoy it more than anything, but in a race find it difficult to keep throttling back!  Strong westerlies and long swim course (felt closer to 2km!). Swim + T1 = 41min. – Bike + T2 = 1hr 21 min (av HR 136). –  Run = 1hr 6min (av HR 139). Max HR 148 (+95%). Ankle and hip injuries feeling a lot better – Hooray!. After finish did 500m cool down walk and enjoyed unexpected but very welcome ITB massage. Slow times but very cool!