What To Wear?

How do you want to feel when you ride – do you like to be toasty or chilly in the winter? Cool or warm in the spring and summer? You can find the right clothes for your ride for any weather conditions.


TEMPERATURE: Here, we’re looking for the current “ambient” temperature, which is the reading you’d get from a thermometer. Don’t factor in wind-chill or heat index. If you’re not sure, go to PE Weather Forecast, or visit a site like the Weather Channel, Weather Underground or AccuWeather for recent readings in your area.

WIND: Here, we’re looking for a wind-speed reading, since wind changes how you dress, particularly on cold days or in rain or snow. If you’re not sure about wind speed, guess, or visit a site like the Weather Channel, Weather Underground or AccuWeather for recent readings in your area.

CONDITIONS:Here, we’re looking for the kind of information you get by looking out the window: is it sunny, overcast, raining, snowing, etc. “Other” includes sleet, freezing rain, or other “winter mix” precipitation.

FEEL: Here’s where you tell us what you like. Essentially, we want to know how you prefer to feel while you ride? “Cool” is for people who like to take ten minutes to warm up; “Warm” is for those who thrive in the summer. If in doubt, pick “In-between.”

GO HERE NOW: What Cycling Clothes To Wear.

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